Google trends rest api
Google trends rest api

google trends rest api

gRPC uses HTTP/2 under the covers, but HTTP is not exposed to the API designer. gRPCĪ second model for using HTTP for APIs is illustrated by gRPC. Lots of additional technologies have been invented for use with REST APIs-for example JSON API, ODATA, HAL, Siren or JSON Hyper-Schema and others-but you don't need any of those to do REST well. If your API is a REST API, then your clients never have to understand the format of your URLs and those formats are not part of the API specification given to clients 1. The only parsing of a URL that a browser does is to extract the information required to send an HTTP request, and the only construction of URLs that a browser does is to form an absolute URL from relative and base URLs. This is how the browser works-it does not construct the URLs it uses from piece parts, and it does not understand the website-specific formats of the URLs it uses it just blindly follows the URLs that it finds in the current page received from the server, or that were bookmarked from previous pages or are entered by the user. A signature characteristic of this style of API is that clients do not construct URLs from other information-they just use the URLs that are passed out by the server as-is. The least-commonly used API model is REST-only a small minority of APIs are designed this way, even though the word REST is used (or abused) more broadly. In my opinion there are three significant and distinct approaches for building APIs that use HTTP. Most public APIs and many private distributed APIs use HTTP as the transport, at least in part because organizations are accustomed to dealing with the security issues of allowing HTTP traffic on ports 80 and 443. The three primary ways to use HTTP for APIs Let's first take a closer look at how HTTP is commonly used for APIs. We will try to describe how this works, why it might be good for you, and where it might not. These APIs adopt an entity-oriented model, as does HTTP, but are defined and implemented using gRPC, and the resulting APIs can be invoked using standard HTTP technologies. In fact, many of the APIs created here at Google and elsewhere combine RPC with a few ideas from HTTP in an interesting way.

google trends rest api

In HTTP, the addressable entities are “data entities” (called “resources” in the HTTP specifications), and the behaviors are hidden behind the data-the behavior of the system results from creating, modifying, and deleting resources. gRPC is based on the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) model, in which the addressable entities are procedures, and the data is hidden behind the procedures. You might expect that gRPC and HTTP would be mutually exclusive, since they are based on opposite conceptual models. GRPC is a technology for implementing RPC APIs that uses HTTP 2.0 as its underlying transport protocol.

This post tries to explain the choices, and give guidance on how to choose between them.

google trends rest api

It has also become common for RPC API designs to adopt one or two ideas from HTTP while staying within the RPC model, which has increased the range of choices that an API designer faces. Regardless of model, most modern APIs are implemented by mapping them in one way or another to the same HTTP protocol.

As most software developers no doubt know, there are two primary models for API design: RPC and REST.

Google trends rest api